May 31, 2013

Awesome! NASA Radar Shows Asteroid Bringing Its Own Moon

mile-long asteroid set to pass safely by Earth on Friday appears to be bringing along a companion.Radar imagery showed that asteroid “1998 QE2″ is a binary asteroid, according to researchers at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena.About 16 percent of asteroids that are about 655 feet or larger are binary or triple systems, according to JPL.

Data shows the main body of the asteroid is approximately 1.7 miles in diameter and has a rotation period of less than four hours. Radar imagery also shows the space rock has several dark surface features that suggest large concavities.The preliminary estimate for the size of the asteroid’s satellite, or moon, is approximately 2,000 feet wide, researchers said.

The moon appears in JPL images as a small, bright object orbiting 1998 QE2. NASA Radar Shows Near-Earth Asteroid Bringing Its Own Moon « CBS Los Angeles

Rihanna lipstick gave me herpes, claims New York woman

A New York woman has filed a lawsuit after contracting herpes at a Rihanna concert. Starkeema Greenidge claims she was infected by the virus when she sampled a lipstick offered by one of the singer's sponsors.

Greenidge is seeking unspecified damages for the "mental anguish and emotional distress" caused by Rihanna's signature RiRi Woo lipstick. "This is going to happen over and over again if nothing is done," the 28-year-old waitress entreated the New York Daily News. "I wasn't able to work for two weeks. It cost me a lot of money."... more》  Rihanna lipstick gave me herpes, claims New York woman

Qld State Government spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on labour hire every month after sacking public servants

State Government spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on labour hire every month after sacking public servants 

QUEENSLAND's Health Minister has denied his department has become reliant on recruitment agency personnel as a result of widespread job cuts.Despite spending $1.7 million on labour hire through recruitment firms in the first week of February, Lawrence Springborg said that was well down on the same time last year, before the LNP won power."Unlike Labor, this government has confidence in our local employees," Mr Springborg said."Compared to February 2012, Queensland Health's reliance on contract medical staff was 23 per cent less in February this year."That's a big drop in the use of locums and corresponding increase in local efficiency." State Government spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on labour hire every month after sacking public servants | The Courier-Mail

Squitten! Cat without front-leg bones sits up like a squirrel..

It's Squitten - the squirrel kitten! Cat is born with no bones in her front paws forcing her to walk and sit on her hind legs

Petal, aged five months, has no bones after the elbow in her front legsShe sits upright like a squirrel and has to waddle to get aroundThe kitten's condition is believed to be the result of inbreedingOwner Kerry Bowler, 35, has another cat with... more》 Cat is born with no bones in her front paws forcing her to walk and sit on her hind legs | Mail Online

As home US prices soar, smart-money investors head for the exits...

Here is something sad about financial markets: By the time ordinary investors notice a market is rising, it is often too late: Smart money heads for the exits, while the dumb money rushes in, just in time for the selloff.

Take housing, for example: If you have merely glanced at thefront page of any major American newspaper this week, you have seen fist-pumpingheadlines about how the housing market is soaring. National home prices are upmore than 10 percent in March from a year earlier, the biggest gain in seven years.

But before you borrow against your new-found housing wealth to fill your home with flat-screens and Cheez Doodles, please note that some of the same investors who helped pump up the market are now getting out, Bloomberg Businessweek reported on Wednesday.... more》 Huffington Post

Discovery Channel Launches Transsexual Children’s Show... what the

Yes, you read that correctly. When Guy says the magic words – “You go girl!” – he becomes SheZow, wearing a purple skirt and cape, as well as pink gloves and white boots. The post Disco... Children's Network Launches Transsexual Superhero Show

Hollywood star Collette loses Sydney court case ..

Industrie clothing brand founders Nick and Susan Kelly sued the Oscar-nominated Australian actress and her musician husband David Galafassi and the Supreme Court in Sydney ruled in their favour.

The court heard that Collette, known for her roles in "The Sixth Sense" and TV show "United States of Tara", and Galafassi agreed to buy the Aus$6.35 million terrace in trendy Paddington in September 2011.

But on the settlement day in December that year they backed out, claiming not to have enough money, having failed to sell another property in Sydney.... more 》 Hollywood star Collette loses Sydney court case - FRANCE 24

Aussie workers using real-life 'limitless' drug

Excerpt ■ "There's no such thing as a free lunch. While Dave Asprey says it has no side effects, there's got to be something. I wouldn't be comfortable taking it every day. You still feel like you're affected by something," the finance worker said.Dr Hambleton said it's crucial people don't believe online hype, and that the best way to focus at work is to get a good night's sleep."This is a serious drug with serious side effects" he said.

"There's headaches, vomiting, aggression, anxiety depression, uneven heartbeat. Get a good nights sleep and eat well, exercise and that's the best advice we can give. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is."

More 》Aussie workers using real-life 'limitless' drug |

Catholic Church's Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons...

The Catholic Church's top exorcist, who claims to have sent 160,000 demons back to hell (bad theology, the devil and his demons are not in hell yet - read revelation) says he wants Pope Francis to allow all priests to start performing the ritual to deal with a rising demand for exorcisms from the faithful.

Father Gabriele Amorth, 88, who also heads the International Association of Exorcists, told The Sunday Times that he will ask Pope Francis to allow all priests the right to do exorcisms without the church's approval. According to the report, priests currently need special approval from their bishop to perform the rite and it is rarely granted... Catholic Church's Top Exorcist Claims He Rid World of 160,000 Demons

Green $cheme$: Electricity prices in Queensland costs to jump 22 per cent

Electricity prices in Queensland will increase by 22.6 per cent from July 1, lifting the average household bill by more than $260 per year.

Under a ruling from the Queensland Competition Authority, the standard household tariff will jump to 26.730 cents per kilowatt hour from 23.1 cents.

However, the greatest sting will come from new higher fixed fees.Households will pay 50.22 cents fixed for access to tariff 11 compared to 26.2 cents currently.

This is an increase on the QCA's original draft fixed fee of 47 cents under which the average bill was set to increase by 21 per cent.

The increase in tariff 11 will add $266 to the average annual electricity bill.However, with the standard hot water tariff increasing 11 per cent, overall bills will rise further than this figure.

The details have been revealed in the latest Government Gazette.... more》 Power prices in Queensland set to soar more than predicted, Government Gazette reveals | The Courier-Mail

The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs growing scarcer…

The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the Gulf Stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelt which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
Sorry Should have mentioned in the beginning that this report was from November 2, 1922 as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post in the United States. Nearly 90 years ago! But we're still here… Now isnt that great news?

Original Article November 1922
“The Changing Arctic” – Global warming in the 1920’s!
The source report of the AP article on changes in the arctic has been found in the Monthly Weather Review for November 1922 Below.
[adrotate group="1"]
The PDF of Washington Post Article this exists
Download Now NOAA’s archives PDF

Joh 14:27 ... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. .

Drop the gym and personal trainer! Twelve minutes' exercise per week 'enough to stay fit'

Just 12 minutes of intensive exercise per week is enough to improve your health if you are overweight, a study has found.Four-minute bursts of high-intensity exercise such as running on a treadmill, three times a week are enough to increase fitness, researchers found.Overweight volunteers who undertook the regime for 10 weeks increased their body's oxygen uptake – a measure of fitness – by 10 per cent and saw small decreases in their blood pressure and glucose levels.... more 》 Twelve minutes' exercise per week 'enough to stay fit' - Telegraph

WHO calls Middle Eastern virus, MERS, 'threat to the entire world' as death toll rises to 27

Earlier this week, the World Health Organisation warned that the disease, first identified in humans in September, is now their greatest global concern. The MERS-CoV virus is related to SARS, which killed some 800 people in a global epidemic in 2003.  

Dr Margaret Chan, head of the WHO, singled out the illness in a speech on Monday in Geneva.'We understand too little about this virus when viewed against the magnitude of its potential threat,' Chan said at the annual WHO meeting. 'We do not know where the virus hides in nature. We do not know how people are getting infected. 'Until we answer these questions, we are empty-handed when it comes to prevention. These are alarm bells. And we must respond.'She said the 'novel coronavirus is a threat to the entire world.

'WHO said in an update earlier this month that 20 of the 40 confirmed cases of the disease have ended in death... more》 WHO calls Middle Eastern virus, MERS, 'threat to the entire world' as death toll rises to 27 | Mail Online

Starbucks toilet coffee prompts anger in Hong Kong

Totally disappointed! A Starbucks cafe in Hong Kong's posh financial district which used water from a tap near a urinal to brew coffee prompted a torrent of angry reactions from customers Thursday.

The coffee shop, in the famous Bank of China Tower, has been using the water from a tap in a toilet to make beverages since its opening in October 2011.Images from local newspaper Apple Daily showed the tap with a sign that said "Starbucks only" a few feet away from a urinal in the dingy washroom, which the paper said was in the building's carpark." Starbucks toilet coffee prompts anger in Hong Kong - FRANCE 24

Wooly mammoth blood recovered from frozen carcass, Russian scientists.. Totally unlike meat that is centuries old

The frozen body of a 10,000 to 15,000 year old (well maybe not, this could support a young earth) mammoth found on a remote island in the Arctic Ocean has yielded a stunning find: blood so well preserved that it flowed freely from the ancient mammal, according to Russian scientists.  

“Interestingly, the temperature at the time of excavation was -7 to – 10 degrees Celsius [19.4 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit]. It may be assumed that the blood of mammoths had some cryoprotective properties.”The muscle tissue of the frozen carcass was also stunning -- the color of fresh meat, Grigoriev said, totally unlike meat that is centuries... Wooly mammoth blood recovered from frozen carcass, Russian scientists say | Fox News

A CONVICTED al-Qa'ida terrorist slipped into Australia undetected by ASIO

A CONVICTED al-Qa'ida terrorist slipped into Australia undetected and spent five months living in low-security detention, in part because of a "processing error" by ASIO.In what opposition justice and customs spokesman Michael Keenan described as a "grave breach" of national security, Australia's top security officials yesterday detailed the catalogue of errors that led to the asylum-seeker being kept in one of the most low-security facilities in the country, despite being convicted of murder, terrorism offences Terrorist missed by ASIO 'error' | The Australian

Sandwich Hurled at Australian PM -- Again...

The Prime Minister did not react at the time to the sandwich, but when asked about it in a later press conference, remarked: ''They must have thought I was hungry.''ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher also made light of the sandwich chuck saying: ''Schools are full of kids, kids occasionally do silly things''. Second sandwich hurled at PM |

Report: Hezbollah orders Hamas out of Lebanon.. islam vs islam

Lebanese Shi'ite group Hezbollah has ordered Palestinian Islamist group Hamas out of Lebanon effective immediately, the Middle East Online news agency reported on Thursday. The move, the report says, is due to Hamas support for the opposition forces fighting to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad. Both Hezbollah and Syria are allies of Iran, which provides the two with financial and military support.  

Hamas is a Sunni Muslim organization, as are the Syrian opposition forces. Hezbollah and Iran are both Shi'ite Muslim.

Report: Hezbollah orders Hamas out of Lebanon | JPost | Israel News

Amelia Earhart's plane found? Sonar images may have pinpointed wreckage

A grainy sonar image captured off an uninhabited tropical island in the southwestern Pacific republic of Kiribati might represent the remains of the Electra, the two-engine aircraft legendary aviator Amelia Earhart was piloting when she vanished on July 2, 1937 in a record attempt to fly around the world at the equator.  

According to TIGHAR researchers, the sonar image shows a strong return from a narrow object roughly 22 feet long oriented southwest/northeast on the slope near the base of an underwater cliff. Shadows indicate that the object is higher on the southwest (downhill side). A lesser return extends northeastward for about 131 feet... Amelia Earhart's plane found? Sonar images may have pinpointed wreckage | Fox News

'Pirate' infiltrates cops' radio network A "RADIO pirate" has infiltrated the police radio network and masqueraded as a police unit, exposing vulnerabilities in the communications system.

One Sunshine Coast district police job was mistakenly assigned over the police radio channel to a civilian, who volunteered.The result was a delay in response time to the job.While police insist nobody was harmed, radio technology experts warn the breach is simple to do - with fears it could jeopardise safety or be used by criminals.
Pirate' infiltrates Queensland police radio network | The Courier-Mail

WHO: New MERS #Virus ‘Threat To The Entire World’

Organization warns that the deadly SARS-like virus first seen in the Middle East is a global threat.Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO’s director-general, said in a speech in Geneva Monday that the new respiratory coronavirus MERS “is a threat to the entire world.”“Looking at the overall global situation, my greatest concern right now is the novel coronavirus. We understand too little about this virus when viewed against the magnitude of its potential threat. Any new disease that is emerging faster than our understanding is never under control,” Chan said during the 66th World Health Assembly....more WHO: New MERS Virus ‘Threat To The Entire World’ « CBS Atlanta

Hamas to Abbas: ‘Abducting soldiers is at the heart of our culture’

Kidnapping Israelis is a source of pride, not shame, declares spokesman in rebuttal to PA president’s speech

“Those who refuse to abduct Zionist soldiers renounce the pain and suffering of thousands of prisoners yearning for freedom,” wrote Abu-Ubaida, a spokesman for the Izz ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, on his Facebook page, negating the words used by Abbas in his speech... more Hamas to Abbas: 'Abducting soldiers is at the heart of our culture' | The Times of Israel

No mercy to be shown to child molesters in #China

Child molesters in China will be shown no mercy, the country's highest court said, as a primary school teacher faced a death sentence for raping small girls. The Supreme People's Court announced it will require local courts to do all they can to protect the rights of minors and severely punish those who sexually abuse children, China Daily reported Thursday. .. No mercy to be shown to child molesters in China -

Gold Coast School thwarts cyber bullying

A push by the school to curb cyber bullying has been so successful that more than half of students are now shunning the popular social sites.

college students can dob in bullies anonymously by taking a screenshot or photo of their computer screen and submitting a printed version to a school drop-box. Cyber safety staff and year co-ordinators then work with students and parents to tackle any problems.

School thwarts cyber bullying Local Gold Coast News | | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

May 30, 2013

Toxic waste from Greek yogurt poses danger to waterways

Why? It robs the water of so much oxygen that fish and other aquatic life die ..

Greek yogurt has become an increasingly popular low-calorie treat in the United States, as it is thicker and contains more protein than regular yogurt.  In fact, the yogurt is in such high demand that total yogurt production has nearly tripled in New York state over the last five years.But the new diet fad harbors a dark secret. When Greek yogurt is strained, a thin, runny waste product known as acid (sour) whey is left over.  According to a new report fromModern Farmer, whey acid – a liquid containing mostly water, lactose (sugar), protein and yogurt cultures – is extremely toxic to the environment, making it illegal to... more》 Toxic waste from Greek yogurt poses danger to waterways | Fox News

One country, two religions and three very telling pictures

The empty pews at churches just yards from an overcrowded mosque..

Islam vs christianity UK England

Full Story

Heavy rain just the start of wet winter, start of a wet winter for much of Queensland, forecasters say

Heavy rain in Brisbane just the start of a wet winter for much of Queensland, forecasters say

Brisbane Queensland Rain Fall

BRISBANE is enjoying some of its heaviest rain in months, with the airport registering 32mm since 9am this morning.
Other places to get a refreshing shower included Hendra with 18mm, Bowen Hills (12mm), Brighton (13mm) and Aspley (14mm). Weather Bureau forecaster Brett Harrison said the showers were courtesy of a moist southeast air flow.

Large parts of Queensland are expected to enjoy a wetter than usual winter.
Brisbane and the southeast will have up to a 65 per cent chance of more rain than usual, while the drought-hit west is looking at a 70 per cent chance of better rain.

The Amsler Grid - Test Your Eyesight Now

With this test you can check your central vision at home! Test your eyes daily for age-related macular degeneration using an Amsler Grid patter

You should use the Amsler gridto test your central vision every day to detect any changes that may be caused by worsening age-related macular degeneration (AMD)or other macular disorders
Follow these steps while looking at the grid at the bottom of this page:

1. If you usually wear reading glasses, put them on to take this test.

2. Hold the Grid at a normal reading distance, about 12 - 14 inches away from your face.

3. Using only your right eye (left eye closed), look at the dot in the center of the grid - Make sure that you can see the entire grid

4. If any of the lines in the grid look distorted, blurry, or missing, write down what you see.

5. Repeat these steps with your left eye while your right eye is closed.If any of these changes are new,call your retina doctor the same day.

10 Signs of Alcohol Abuse: Do You Have A Problem?

Alcohol abuse is a very serious disease that many people struggle to deal with every day. A good majority of people enjoy a glass of wine or a beer after a long day of work, but the difficult lies in knowing when your drinking has become a problem. 

Casual drinking can quickly turn into a serious issue for many people with addiction problems.

If you’re asking yourself whether you have (or someone you know has) an alcohol problem, take a look at the signs and symptoms below. If these symptoms sound familiar...  you may want to consider seeking professional help. 

Here are 10 signs of alcohol abuse:  

1. Temporary Memory Loss and Blackouts

2. Drinking to Cheer Up

3. You’ve Tried to Quit Drinking But Can’t

4. You Drink to be “Normal” or “Fit In”

5. Flushed Skin/Broken Capillaries on the Face

6. Trembling Hands

7. Problems with Family Members as a Result of Drinking

8. Drinking in Secret or Lying About Your Alcohol Intake

9. Anxiety, Insomnia, Nausea When You Stop Drinking

10. Drinking in the Morning

Alcohol abuse can have serious long-term effects on you and the people around you. The sooner you get help, the better it will be for you and your loved ones.

Scientists claim to have found woolly mammoth blood in preserved carcass

RT @theheraldsun: Scientists claim to have found woolly mammoth blood in preserved carcass #Russia

NYC Launches Sex App for Teens on its Website, Includes Directions to Birth Control and Abortion Clinics

The New York City Health Department’s NYC teen website now includes an app that teens can download to their smart phones to get information on “sexual health,” including where they can get birth control and abortions.The app, under the heading “Important Links and Info,” has three main links – Where to Go; sexual health services, What to Get; condoms and birth control; and What to Expect; at the clinic.

NYC Launches Sex App for Teens on its Website, Includes Directions to Birth Control and Abortion Clinics | CNS News Mobile

Bangkok ranked world's top travel spot

Bangkok has edged out London as the world's most popular air travel destination, becoming the first Asian city to earn the distinction, according to a ranking by the MasterCard Index of Global Destination Cities.The Thai capital headed the 2013 list based on total projected visits by foreigners, followed by London, Paris, Singapore and New York. Istanbul and Dubai showed the strongest expected growth in the number of visitors.... more Bangkok ranked world's top travel spot

May 29, 2013


A top Vatican official has said around 100,000 Christians are killed every year for reasons linked to their faith and pointed to the Middle East, Africa and Asia as the biggest problem areas.Monsignor Silvano Maria Tomasi was quoted by Vatican radio on Tuesday as saying that the figures were "shocking" and "incredible".Tomasi said Christians were also forced to leave their homes and see their churches destroyed in some parts of the world, and were often subjected to rapes, kidnappings and discrimination... more》 100,000 Christians die for faith every year: Vatican

Fashion website Asos recalls radioactive belts..

Online fashion retailer Asos has recalled a batch of belts after US customs officials discovered they were radioactive.A spokesman for the London-listed retailer said the belts, which are made of leather and covered with metal studs, were being held at a radioactive storage facility after testing positive for Cobalt-60... Fashion website Asos recalls radioactive belts - Yahoo!7

Budget slash expected to end 22-year-old Surfers Paradise event

The State Government is expected to slash its budget for the event, which will see an end to the 22-year-old Surfers Paradise event and deliver a blow to the city's $100 million-a-year car race industry.

It is understood the $7 million set aside from Tourism and Events Queensland will be cut, with the State Government considering asking Gold Coast City Council to stump up the shortfall.

Sources have confirmed that negotiations over the funding allocated to the event were still under way and it was likely part of the $7 million would be cut... more Budget cut to end V8 party Local Gold Coast News | | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

New Christian pastor detained, Assemblies of God church closed in Tehran Iran

Government agents shut down Iran’s largest Persian-language Pentecostal church Monday, just one week after one of its pastors was arrested and hauled away midway through a worship service.The closing of Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran is the latest case of the Islamic Republic’s leadership cracking down on Christians ahead of the June 14 presidential election to replace President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Leaders appear especially wary of groups deemed dangerous to their power base, including growing Christian churches, according to Iranian Christians and rights groups who spoke toBosNewsLife, a news agency that specializes in the plight of Christians in Middle Eastern nations.

Iran hauls off Christian pastor, shuts down church in new sweep | Fox News

Queensland drivers hit with licence increa$e$, spokeswoman for Transport Minister blamed hefty increases on former Labor government

The cost of the new licences, which drivers can sign up for from one to five years, has risen by an average of 63 per cent since they were introduced in late 2010.
The cost of a one-year smartcard licence climbed by 71 per cent from $37.35 in 2010-11 to $64.20 in 2012-13.

The cost of a two-year smartcard licence also rose by 71 per cent from $52.05 to $89.50 in the same period.

Five-year smartcard licences rose by 49 per cent from $96.05 in 2010-11 to $143.75 in 2012-13.

Big governments are expensive to run aren't they?

Underwater volcano mapped in Southeast Alaska

Jim Baichtal has a habit of cruising the website of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration looking for new hydrographic surveys of Alaska.“I was just checking the website before I headed out one day," he said, "and when I saw the survey results of an area near Ketchikan, all I can remember saying is, ‘Oh, my gosh!’" Buried inside the NOAA data were 3D renderings of a previously unknown volcano, beneath the depths of Behm Canal inside Misty Fjords National Monument. Underwater volcano mapped in Southeast Alaska | Alaska Dispatch

Couple Busted printing funny money on the Gold Coast

A man and a woman have been charged following investigations into the manufacturing and distribution of counterfeit Australian currency on the Gold Coast.

Following information received from a member of the public, officers executed a search warrant at a Surfers Paradise apartment and located items used to allegedly manufacture counterfeit currency and chemicals used in the production of amphetamines.

An amount of counterfeit currency was also seized.

A 27-year-old Surfers Paradise man has been charged with possession of counterfeit currency, making counterfeit money or counterfeit securities, possession of drug utensils, and possession of precursor chemicals.

A 19-year-old Broadbeach Waters woman has been charged with five counts of uttering counterfeit currency.

The pair is expected to appear in the Southport Magistrates Court today.

Detectives from the South Eastern Region’s Major and Organised Crime Squad are continuing with their investigations but want to remind business owners and small retail outlets to be vigilant for counterfeit notes and to be wary of large notes being used to purchase low value items.

Police are urging anyone with information concerning the manufacturing and distribution of these notes to contact Crime Stoppers.

Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day.

Crime Stoppers is a registered charity and community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.

For all non-urgent police reporting or general police inquiries contact Policelink on 131 444.

Counterfeit money investigation arrests, Gold Coast | Gold Coast

Labor push for single-sex state schools

Shake-up of Queensland's high school system may challenging Independent and Catholic schools for students.

SINGLE-sex male and female state high schools would be introduced to Queensland under Labor's first major education proposal.

The plan - set to reignite debate about the merits of single-sex education - would force a shake-up of Queensland's high school system, challenging Independent and Catholic schools for students.

State Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk said the proposal was about giving parents choice.... more Labor in push to split the sexes in state high schools | The Courier-Mail

Labor big a real heavy sleeper

IT'S A DREAM JOB: Mark Rosenthal, who pulls in $156,000 a year as head of Local 983 of District Council 37, nods off at his desk during one of a series of postlunch naps that have outraged members of the union’s executive board.“He eats lunch when he arrives at work at 2 p.m. Then, like clockwork, he goes to sleep with a cup of soda on the table and the straw in it,” said Marvin Robbins, a union vice president.“Then he wakes up, looks at his watch and says, ‘I have to get out before the traffic gets bad.’ He’s usually out by 4 p.m. after being at the office two hours.”Rosenthal is a former Parks Department employee who rose to power campaigning to rid the union of corruption in the late 1990s Labor big a real heavy sleeper -

May 28, 2013


CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -- Australian officials on Tuesday refused to confirm or deny whether Chinese hackers had stolen the blueprints of a new spy agency headquarters as a news report claims.

A tiny party essential to the ruling coalition's government demanded an inquiry into how much damage may have been done.Australian Broadcasting Corp. television reported on Monday night that the plans for the 630 million Australian dollar ($608 million) Australian Security Intelligence Organization building had been stolen through a cyberattack on a building contractor.

Blueprints that included details such as communications cabling, server locations and security systems had been traced to a Chinese server, the network reported.

Des Ball, an Australian National University cybersecurity expert, said China could use the blueprints to bug the building, which is nearing completion in Canberra, the capital, after lengthy construction delays....more》 News from The Associated Press

Music legend unloads on Obama's 'cowardice'

Country-music legend Charlie Daniels isn’t buying the White House line that President Obama simply “didn’t know” about the scandalous actions plaguing his administration.From the gun-running “Fast & Furious” debacle of 2011 to recent revelations the Internal Revenue Service has been targeting tea-party groups, Obama has denied knowledge of his underlings’ actions, even stating he only discovered the improprieties after the evening news reported them.

Read more 》Music legend unloads on Obama’s ‘cowardice’

Southern drug syndicate busted by Queensland police

SOUTHERN drug dealers are cutting the grass of growers in one of Queensland's prime cannabis cultivation areas.

Police have busted a syndicate that allegedly muscled into the market in Bundaberg, a region traditionally abounding with outdoor plantations, by hawking high-potency cannabis grown indoors and interstate.

Two men from rural Victoria who drove to Bundaberg allegedly to unload cannabis and amphetamines were among five people.... more Southern drug syndicate busted by Queensland police | The Courier-Mail

Mom has son arrested for eating Pop-Tarts without permission

A Charlotte, North Carolina woman had her son arrested for stealing her Pop-Tarts earlier this week.According to a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police report, the mother called investigators on Monday to report her Pop-Tarts had been stolen.She fingered her own son, who is a juvenile, as the culprit.Neighbor Fred Patrick could not stop laughing when he first learned an arrest had been made over Pop-Tarts. He knows the young boy."He seems real nice to me. I mean, he is real respectful," Patrick said.The report said that the boy was placed under juvenile arrest and was charged with larceny/misdemeanor... more | Mobile

Japanese mayor apologizes for saying US troops should visit adult businesses to reduce rapes

TOKYO –  A Japanese mayor apologized Monday for saying earlier that U.S. troops should patronize legal adult entertainment businesses as a way to reduce rapes and other assaults.Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, who is also the co-head of an emerging nationalistic party, said his remarks two weeks ago rose from a "sense of crisis" about cases of sexual assaults by U.S. military personnel on Japanese civilians in Okinawa, where a large number of U.S. troops are... more Japanese mayor apologizes for saying US troops should visit adult businesses to reduce rapes | Fox News

MAN caught stealing alcohol from Brisbane hotel after choosing probably slowest getaway vehicle ever devised

Grog thief pinched making slow getaway

A MAN was caught "red handed" with a wheelie bin full of alcohol, after breaking into a Brisbane hotel premises in the early hours of the morning, a court has heard.Mathew John Hamilton today pleaded guilty to breaking and entering and was put on two years probation and ordered to do 80 hours of community service.Brisbane Magistrates Court was told Hamilton cut through a lock and chain to get into the yard of the Camp Hill Hotel at 3.20am on April 9.... more Mathew John Hamilton pleads guilty to breaking and entering, caught with wheelie bin full of grog from Camp Hill Hotel | The Courier-Mail

Fear of Gold Coast homes slipping into sea.. Owners threatening to sue city council and State Government 

GOLD Coast beachfront property owners are threatening to sue the city council and State Government  as severe erosion gouges at their properties.

GOLD Coast beachfront property owners have accused the city council and State Government of abandoning them to the sea, and are threatening a legal class action as severe erosion gouges away their properties.For the second time this year, big swells and high tides have stripped away millions of tonnes of sand from the Glitter Strip's beaches, leaving some oceanfront homes teetering on the brink of steep cliffs. Gold Coast beachfront property owners threaten class action as they say they have been "abandoned to the sea" | The Courier-Mail

'Sitting is the new smoking,' doctor warns...

"Prolonged sitting is not what nature intended for us," says Dr. Camelia Davtyan, clinical professor of medicine and director of women's health at the UCLA Comprehensive Health Program.

"The chair is out to kill us," says James Levine, an endocrinologist at the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine.... more LA Times - Don't just sit there. Really.

Soderbergh's "Behind the Candelabra" Is On HBO And Not In Theaters Because It's Too Gay

Steven Soderbergh's Behind the Candelabra (which premieres Sunday, May 26 at 9 p.m. EDT on HBO) is as good as you've heard. It's a moving and beautifully made film that traces the clandestinehalf-decade romance between Vegas showman and pianistLiberace and his much, much younger live-in boyfriend Scott Thorson, who co-wrote the 1988 memoir on which the film is based. (My colleague Maggie Caldwell has a good reflection on, among other things, meeting the flashy and famous entertainment icon when she was a baby... more》 Soderbergh's "Behind the Candelabra" Is On HBO And Not In Theaters Because It's Too Gay | Mother Jones

Report: Man born in jail bails out mother 19 years later

An Indian man who was born in prison to a mother convicted of murder made it his mission to get her free.Although Kanhaiya Kumari grew up in foster care, he made sure to visit his mother every three months and when he turned 18, he got a job at a garment factory so he could save the 10,000 rupees ($180) to pay his mother's bail, which she was granted on appeal.Vijai Kumari had been lost in the Indian prison system and she thought she would die there until her son hired a lawyer who was able to get her out of prison 19 years after she says she was wrongfully convicted. Man born in jail frees mother 19 years later -

Donald Trump spends > $1 million researching potential run for president in 2016

U.S. business mogul Donald Trump has spent more than $1 million researching a potential run for president in 2016, the New York Post reported Monday.Sources told the Post that Trump has been asked to speak at more Republican events, such as the Oakland County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in Novi, Mich., last week that drew a crowd of 2,300.

"Everybody tells me, 'Please run for president. Please run for president.' I would be much happier if a great and competent person came along," Trump reportedly told those who attended the GOP event. "I'd be happy if President Obama did a great job. I'm a Republican, but before anything, I love this country. I would love to see somebody come in who is going to be great."...  Report: Trump spends $1M on election research

Gold Coast beachfront property owners threaten class action as they say they have been "abandoned to the sea"

GOLD Coast beachfront property owners have accused the city council and State Government of abandoning them to the sea, and are threatening a legal class action as severe erosion gouges away their properties.For the second time this year, big swells and high tides have stripped away millions of tonnes of sand from the Glitter Strip's beaches, leaving some oceanfront homes teetering on the brink of steep cliffs.Beach stairs and viewing platforms have collapsed into the ocean, and sand the council spent tens of thousands of dollars replenishing after ex-Cyclone Oswald battered the coast in January has been washed away.That erosion was described as the worst the Coast has seen in 40 years but locals say even more sand is now disappearing.... Gold Coast beachfront property owners threaten class action as they say they have been "abandoned to the sea" | The Courier-Mail

ABC pursued for rate arrears at Brisbane South Bank Parklands headquarters

THE ABC's sweetheart deal for its new headquarters at South Bank is set to sour, with Brisbane City Council planning to pursue the national broadcaster for unpaid rates.The council and the South Bank Corporation have recently struck an agreement over unpaid rates as part of a change that will see the council take managerial control of the parklandsfrom the corporation.The agreement saw the corporation agree to pay more than $800,000 for outstanding dues dating back to 2007. ABC pursued for rate arrears at South Bank Parklands headquarters | The Courier-Mail

Busted: Golf Coast Lightrail workers fired after drug tests rolled out in Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach

SEVERAL Gold Coast light rail workers were sacked last week after the project's main contractor, McConnell Dowell, conducted a drug-test blitz.

Drug tests were rolled out at sites in Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach each day last week, with workers required to give urine specimens.

GoldLinQ communications director Jason Ward confirmed a "number of participants" had tested positive for drugs but he refused to say exactly how many workers had failed....  Lightrail workers fired in drug blitz Local Gold Coast News | | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Annointed Christian preacher 'slain in the spirit' after condoms fall from bible...

A self confessing Christian preacher is reportedly fighting for his life after he was beaten into a coma when condoms fell out of his Bible on a bus trip in Nigeria.

According to the Daily Post, the bus preacher, whose name was not published, was nearly lynched Saturday morning at Toyota Bus stop, in front of the well-known Ladipo Spare Parts Market in the Mushin region of Lagos, Nigeria.The report indicated the preacher “was dragged out of the commercial bus and beaten into a pulp before he was rescued by some policemen.”The pastor had commenced his journey in Apapa and proceeded to preach to the riders aboard the bus, uttering statements such as, “If you wear trouser you’ll go to hell! The devil invented make-up! Weave-on is from marine kingdom! If you have pre-marital sex you will burn in hell and your skin will peel!”

Some of those on the bus were reportedly so moved, they started falling under the anointing.

John Mbakogu, a witness on his way to his shop at Ladipo, told the paper, “People were just falling as he was laying hands. One man almost fell out of the bus under the influence of the Spirit. It was amazing until he raised his hands to cast the demons out of one girl, and two Durex condoms fell out.”

 Pastor beaten into coma as condoms plop from Bible

May 27, 2013

Jerry Lewis Repeats His Distaste for Female Comics

Asked who his favorite female comics were Thursday at a Cannes Film Festival press conference, Jerry Lewis listed Cary Grant and Burt Reynolds. He then added: "I don't have any."In 1998, Lewis famously said that watching women do comedy "sets me back a bit" and that he has trouble with the notion of would-be mothers as comedians.

Jerry Lewis Repeats His Distaste for Female Comics | CNS News Mobile

Americans gather to honor fallen service members

Americans planned to gather at cemeteries, memorials and monuments nationwide to honor fallen military service members on Memorial Day, at a time when combat in Afghanistan approaches 12 years and the ranks of World War II veterans dwindles. Americans gather to honor fallen service members

More Aust call centre jobs headed to NZ

ANZ Bank customers in Australia may need a grasp of Kiwi vowels and lingo if they want to ring a call centre.The bank is transferring 70 jobs from Australia to a call centre in Wellington, saying the New Zealand capital is suited because of its highly trained English-speaking staff, good infrastructure and a friendly time zone. More Aust call centre jobs headed to NZ - Yahoo!7 Finance Australia

Hillary Clinton Will Admit to Being a Lesbian in Book, According to News Outlet...

Hillary Clinton's upcoming memoir is going to be an absolute doozy, according to theNational Enquirer. A "family insider" says that the former secretary of State will "admit that she’s bisexual and has had lesbian relationships" and reveal that "a veterinarian who treated the family cat Socks at the White House stumbled upon her locked in a steamy.... sick Hillary Will Admit to Being Lesbian, Site Claims -- Daily Intelligencer

Canadian academics want all drugs legalized - heroin to crack

The personal use of illicit drugs, from heroin to crack cocaine, should be decriminalized as part of a federal-provincial strategy to tackle drug abuse, a B.C.-based national coalition of drug policy experts argue in a report to be released Thursday.The report denounces the Harper government’s aggressive war on drugs that has put the emphasis on law enforcement while steering money away from harm-reduction initiatives like Vancouver’s supervised injection site.... more》 Decriminalize heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines to fight addiction, B.C. report says

Australia - A Different Kind of Property Bubble...

Back in 2007, there was a huge bubble in, of all things, property trusts. Now there's another one in A-REITS (Australian real estate investment trusts) the new name for … property trusts. That's what you do when a name gets tarnished; you give it a new one.The weird thing about this bubble is that one of its beneficiaries, the chief executive of an actual, real life property trust, is calling time on it. And no one seems to be listening.... more》 A Different Kind of Property Bubble

You know it! It's official... women CAN'T park the car (And men are much better at reversing)

Women most likely to fail driving tests for parking or reversing faults

Men more guilty of driving recklessly or ignoring mirrors and signs

However twice as many females as males faulted on reverse parking...

New data reveals that women drivers are most likely to fail their driving tests for parking or reversing faults, while men are more guilty of driving recklessly or ignoring mirrors and road signs.

more》 Driving tests: It's official... women CAN'T park the car - and men are much better at reversing | Mail Online

New Zealand, China in Talks on Convertibility of Currencies

Seeking to help its exporters, New Zealand is negotiating with China to make their currencies directly convertible, a spokeswoman for Prime Minister John Key said.Wellington's push is aimed at driving down costs for companies that do business with China, which is close to overtaking Australia as New Zealand's No. 1 trading partner.

New Zealand, China in Talks on Convertibility of Currencies

Humanist Secular FAIL: Stockholm riots leave Sweden's dreams of perfect society up in smoke

A week of disturbances in Sweden's capital has tested the Scandinavian nation's reputation for tolerance, reportsColin FreemanLike the millions of other ordinary Swedes whom he now sees himself as one of, Mohammed Abbas fears his dream society is now under threat. When he first arrived in Stockholm as refugee from Iran in 1994, the vast Husby council estate where he settled was a mixture of locals and foreigners, a melting pot for what was supposed to be a harmonious, multi-racial paradise. Stockholm riots leave Sweden's dreams of perfect society up in smoke - Telegraph

Australia has retained its title as the happiest industrialized nation in the world.

SYDNEY—A fading mining boom may be taking the gloss off Australia's resource-rich economy but the country has retained the title of happiest industrialized nation in the world.That's according to theOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Better Life Index, which ranked the world's developed economies on criteria such as jobs, income, environment and health.

Happiest Industrialized Nation? Australia Is All Smiles

Generation Y give work woes... lovers of self - modern psychology

Baby boomer and Gen X bosses say one of the biggest problems is understanding what makes Gen Y workers tick as the disconnect between the generations fuels youth unemployment rates of up to 40 per cent.

Gen Yers are likely to send a text message, email or post on Facebook if they are sick instead of phoning the boss. Employers complain that many have never worked a day in their life, still live at home well into their 20s and, when they do get a job, don't know how to behave properly. Generation Y give work woes - bosses struggle with young staff |

HEAVY weekend king tides wreak havoc on Gold Coast

HEAVY weekend king tides wreaked havoc on the popular footpath and hill climb at Nobby Beach, forcing the Gold Coast City Council to close them off to the public.

The council expects the path to be shut for a week as round-the-clock repair work is carried out to restore the damaged infrastructure.

Last night king tides again battered the shoreline as the weekend full moon saw big rises in the city's sea levels across the two days.... more Last night king tides again battered the shoreline as the weekend full moon saw big rises in the city's sea levels across the two days. | | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Christians in the Arab world: A guide

As Islamists come to power across much of the Middle East, Christians are facing growing persecutionHow many Christians live in the Middle East?Between 10 million and 12 million. The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity and home to some of its oldest communities, but the Christian population has dropped dramatically over time, especially over the last decade. When Christianity was founded 2,000 years ago, it spread rapidly across the Roman Empire, into Egypt and westward. Mohammed began the Arab Muslim conquests in the 7th century, spreading Islam across the region, but he allowed Christians to continue practicing their religion. Christians in the Arab world: A guide

UN expert urges help for Japan's nuclear victims

A United Nations expert who investigated the aftermath of Japan's 2011 nuclear power plant disaster says the government and the operator of the facility should do more to help those affected by the catastrophe.A report by special rapporteur Anand Grover, posted on the U.N. Human Rights Council's website, says the government's takeover of Tokyo Electric Power Co. allowed the utility to evade full responsibility for the nuclear disaster, the worst since Chernobyl... read more 》 UN expert urges help for Japan's nuclear victims | Fox News

Industry push to allow gluten in 'gluten-free' foods

Australian food manufacturers and suppliers are pushing to increase the amount of gluten allowed in so-called ''gluten-free'' foods on which thousands of people with digestive problems rely.The Australian Food and Grocery Council is preparing to ask Food Standards Australia New Zealand to relax its current standard, which states there must be no detectable gluten in foods labelled ''gluten-free''....  Industry push to allow gluten in 'gluten-free' foods |

Texas Approves Drug Tests For Unemployment Benefits...

Workers who lose their jobs would have to clear a drug screening to qualify for unemployment compensation under a proposal approved by the Texas Legislature.Under current law, employers take out insurance policies to help laid-off workers survive on weekly payments of $62 to $440. Those who are fired for cause, including failing an employer-sponsored drug test, do not qualify.The changes approved Saturday would require laid-off workers to fill out state questionnaires. Answers considered suspicious would lead to drug tests. Workers who fail would lose their benefits. Drug tests for unemployment benefits approved | Houston

May 26, 2013

Painting through the power of thought enabled by scientists

A computer that enables users to paint through the power of thought has been developed by scientists.

Heide Pfützner, a former teacher from Leipzig, Germany, was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Motor Neurone Disease, yet she has managed to produce a series of the paintings with the aid of a new brain controlled computer.She has been trained to master the device that uses brain waves to take control of a palette of colours, shapes and brushes to produce digital artworks. Painting through the power of thought enabled by scientists - Telegraph

New York Police Department is investigating allegations made by actress Amanda Bynes

NEW YORK (AP) -- The New York Police Department is investigating allegations made by actress Amanda Bynes that she was sexually assaulted by officers arresting her for throwing a bong out of a window. News from The Associated Press

2-child limit for Muslims in parts of Myanmar Authorities in Myanmar's western Rakhine state have introduced a two-child limit for Muslim Rohingya families in an effort to ease tensions with their Buddhist neighbors after deadly sectarian..

YANGON, Myanmar –  Authorities in Myanmar's western Rakhine state have introduced a two-child limit for Muslim Rohingya families in an effort to ease tensions with their Buddhist neighbors after deadly sectarian violence.A local official said Saturday that the new measure would be applied to two townships that border Bangladesh and have the highest Muslim population in Rakhine... more 》Myanmar's western Rakhine state enacts 2-child limit for Muslims to stem sectarian strife | Fox News

Ex-sex slave says Japan mayor's remark 'absurd'

OSAKA, Japan –  A former sex slave says a Japanese mayor's remarks about Japan's wartime sex slavery are "absurd."

Kim Bok-dong, who is from South Korea, was referring Saturday to comments by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto.

He has angered many by saying Japan's wartime practice of forcing many Asian women into prostitution for its military was considered necessary...more》
Former sex slave says Japanese mayor's comment 'absurd,' should resign from politics | Fox News

The fly-by, Wi-Fi hacking machine showed off at AusCert Gold Coast

A New Zealand IT security consultant and motorcycle enthusiast, Andzakovic showed off his custom Suzuki Boulevard M50 on Thursday at the AusCERT security conference on the Gold Coast. The fly-by, Wi-Fi hacking machine |

Paris braces for violent anti-gay marriage protests...

The French government is considering banning a far-right group believed to be planning violence at a protest against the country's new gay marriage laws on Sunday 26 May.French Interior Minister Manuel Valls announced that he was considering outlawing the Pritemps Francais (French Spring) group after it released a statement threatening to target "the government and all its appendices, the collaborating political parties and lobbies where the ideological programmes are developed and the organs which spread it". Paris Moves to Ban French Spring Anti-Gay Marriage Group

Two robbery suspects foiled when fast food employee slipped out back door and makes off with getaway car

Police say it’s like nothing they’ve seen before. They say two men ran into a fast food restaurant, pulled out their guns and demanded cash.While the two men were inside robbing the cashier, another Burger King employee sneaked out the back.

He noticed the suspects’ getaway car running, so he hopped in.“I haven’t heard of any employee actually leaving a business, getting inside the suspect vehicle and trying to hide it,” said Stockton officer Joe Silva...
more》 Stockton Thieves Foiled When Employee Hides Getaway Car « CBS Sacramento

Russian police detain activists, foes at gay rally


Gay-rights campaigners and their opponents clashed at an unsanctioned rally in the Russian capital on Saturday, but a heavy police presence in Ukraine kept the two sides apart at that country's first-ever gay pride march.Russian police said they arrested at least 30 gay rights campaigners and Christian Orthodox vigilantes in Moscow. Russian police detain activists, foes at gay rally

Blistering heat wave leads to violent protests in India

LUCKNOW, India - A blistering heat wave has swept across most parts of north and western India, causing massive electricity cuts and leading angry residents to protest and even attack power company officials and property.

In the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, enraged citizens have set fire to a power station and held power company employees hostage for several hours. Police said Thursday that at least 21 people have been arrested for the violence and for damaging government property. Blistering heat wave leads to violent protests in India | Indianapolis Star |

Siren sounded on racism in football

Two images from 20 years apart - both of an indigenous man, a footballer, pointing in the face of racism - suggest that nothing has changed, that we have gone nowhere, as a club, as a code, as sport, as a society.In fact, what they show is that there has been a fundamental change, though it is far from complete. Perhaps we in the AFL community did become a little too smug, thinking that gestures and ceremonies and totems would be enough, that we had fought the good fight, even the Goodes fight, and won. No longer. Siren sounded on racism in football |

Julia Gillard expected to announce ban on live odds promotions

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard is set to take a new, hard line on the promotion of gambling odds during live sports broadcasts, with a ban to be announced within days.It is understood the Prime Minister discussed the matter with Communications Minister Stephen Conroy this week and is considering making a statement shortly, Canberra sources said. Julia Gillard expected to announce ban on live odds promotions | The Australian

Sweden: Stockholm calmer, violence spreads outside capital

Police subdue rioting in capital, but vandalism flares across country; youth torch cars, school in town in central Sweden.. Sweden: Stockholm calmer, violence spreads outside capital - Israel News, Ynetnews

Mom dies, gives birth, then is revived

Excerpt - By the time paramedics rushed the 32-year-old to the hospital, doctors could not find a pulse. Her heart had stopped.Doctors delivered the baby by emergency cesarean section.Technically, it was a postmortem delivery because Erica's heart was not beating.But then something remarkable happened. The doctors turned to Erica, and soon her heart started beating again..more》Mom dies, gives birth, then is revived | Health - Home

Hot deals to melt Kiwi ski threat, AUSSIE ski resorts ready for a bumper season

AUSSIE ski resorts are ready for a bumper season with good pre-season snow causing a surge in bookings and record early sales for  season passes. AUSTRALIAN ski resorts are preparing for a bumper season with good pre-season snowfalls leading to a surge in bookings and the sale of early bird season passes at record levels.But they are facing strong competition from New Zealand, which is dramatically boosting flights this winter to attract more skiers and snowboarders across the ditch..... more》 Aussie ski seasons prepare for bumper season with good pre-season snow and hot deals to keep Aussie skiers at home | The Courier-Mail

May 25, 2013

Walt Disney World To Indoctrinate Your Children During ‘Gay Days 2013′

Every year since 1991 Disney World in Orlando Florida has allowed thousands of homosexuals, lesbians and trans-genders to hold a coming out party in the Magic Kingdom on the first Saturday of June.The first Saturday in June is typically the first Saturday during the summer break from school when tens of thousands (10,000s) of children are in the theme park. Full Article

America Under God Is Still Out There, if You Know Where to LookCharlie DanielsThere is another America you seldom see in the media.

I got home in the late evening yesterday and caught the local news and of course a lot of it was devoted to reporting the incredible devastation the huge tornadoes in Oklahoma left behind.Homes were reduced to piles of sticks, what were thought to be strong, stable buildings looking as if they'd been bulldozed, power outages, water cut off, people with no place to go after losing everything they had ever accumulated, and of course, worst of all the loss of life and especially the children.

America Under God Is Still Out There, if You Know Where to Look | CNS News Mobile

Watch "The Charlie Daniels Band - The Devil Went Down to Georgia (live)" on YouTube -

Planetary alignment peaks with celestial show this weekend

Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planets in the sky this month, will be joined by tiny Mercury for a rare celestial show this weekend.Typically, Venus, the second-closest planet to the sun, and Jupiter, which orbits beyond Mars, are tens of millions of miles apart. But they have been cycling together while moving ever closer to each other this month, joined by the innermost planet Mercury.

The celestial show peaks on Sunday when the trio will appear as a bright triangle of light in the western sky beginning about 30 minutes after sunset... more》 Planetary alignment peaks with celestial show this weekend

Exiled muslim cleric who taught UK knifeman praises 'courage'

"When I saw the footage I recognized the face immediately," Bakri told Reuters. "I used to know him. A quiet man, very shy, asking lots of questions about Islam."

"What surprised me (is) the quiet man, the man who is very shy, decided to carry out an attack against a British soldier in the middle of the day in the middle of a street in the UK. In east London. It's incredible."When I saw that, honestly I was very surprised - standing firm, courageous, brave. Not running away. Rather, he said why he carried (it out) and he wanted the whole world to hear it."... more》 Exiled cleric who taught UK knifeman praises 'courage'

Late 'Winter' - maybe even snow - to return for Memorial Day weekend USA

Memorial Day weekend is expected to feel more like “winter” for areas of the eastern U.S., according to forecasters at, with snow possible for parts of the Northeast... more》 'Winter' - maybe even snow - to return for Memorial Day weekend - U.S. News

Stockholm rioting continues for fifth night, police seek reinforcements

The violence appears to have been prompted by the death of a 69-year-old man shot by police this month in Husby, now the centre of the rioting.One recent government study showed that up to a third of young people aged 16 to 29 in some of the most-deprived areas of Sweden's big cities neither study nor have a job. Stockholm rioting continues for fifth night

BBC - Germany is the 'Most Popular Country in the World'

Europe's largest economy, Germany, which has been criticized for not doing enough to help struggling euro zone countries, has topped a poll as the world's most popular country.

The survey, carried out for the BBC, polled 26,000 people in 25 countries and asked them to rate 16 countries and the European Union as a whole on whether their influence on the world was mainly positive or negative.Germany came out on top, with 59 percent of survey participants giving it a positive rating... The Most Popular Country in the World: Revealed - CNBC

"They do not want to integrate, they do not want to live in [Swedish] society"

Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlqvist told RT.“The problem is not from the Swedish government or from the Swedish people,” the editor in chief of Dispatch International said. “The last 20 years or so, we have seen so many immigrants coming to Sweden that really don’t like Sweden. They do not want to integrate, they do not want to live in [Swedish] society: Working, paying taxes and so on.”“The people come here now because they know that Sweden will give them money for nothing. They don’t have to work, they don’t have to pay taxes – they can just stay here and get a lot of money. That is really a problem,” Carlqvist added.

‘They don’t want to integrate’: Fifth night of youth rioting rocks Stockholm — RT News

Flight 'On fire' on fire over Central London makes emergency landing at Heathrow..

A British Airways plane was forced to make an emergency landing at Heathrow Airport as eyewitnesses reported seeing the aircraft "on fire" flying over central London.A man who only gave his first name as Jamie told Sky News: "As you looked up you could just see the flames being chucked out of the engine ... It was on full fire when we saw it."There were 186 flight cancellations in total and BA cancelled all short-haul flights in and out of the West London airport until 4pm when they resumed....  BA Plane 'On Fire' Over Central London

'Disruptive Pakistani passenger had started shouting'

RAF jets escort diverted Pakistani passenger plane

British police arrest two men on diverted Pakistan flight...

British police arrested two men on a Pakistan International Airlines flight on Friday on suspicion of "endangerment of an aircraft" after it was escorted to a different airport by fighter jets. British police arrest two men on diverted Pakistan flight

May 24, 2013

WARNING* DAMAGING winds are forecast to lash the mountain areas of the Gold Coast

The weather bureau has issued a severe weather warning for southerly winds of up to 90km/h about the southern border ranges and Gold Coast hinterland.

The wild weather is likely to affect places including Springbrook, Lamington National Park and Mount Tambourine into the early hours of Saturday morning before easing.

For emergency assistance, call the State Emergency Service on 132 500. Damaging winds forecast for Gold Coast | Herald Sun

SOME 2500 cleaners have lost their jobs after the firm they worked for ran out of money to pay their wages.

Swan Services, which has operations in Queensland, stopped trading and appointed Pitcher Partners as voluntary administrators on Wednesday night.Pitcher Partners director Anthony Elkerton says Swan had debts totalling about $2.8 million when it stopped trading.The administrators will try to collect about $2.5 million owed to Swan.

2500 lose jobs as debt sends Swan Services to the cleaners, entered voluntary administration Wednesday night | The Courier-Mail

May 23, 2013

Who is the angel of Woolwich? Woman's bravery as she confronts killers to pray for slaughtered soldier

'Religious' woman in her 50s 'walked straight up to suspects with no fear'Sat next to victim in middle of the road and put her hands on his chestWitness: 'She saw everything and wanted to comfort him. The poor man’s head was beside her'Second woman talks to one killer as he wandered around with bloodied weapons and handsFemale Cub Scout leader tells other attacker: 'Right now, it is only you versus many people. You are going to lose'David Cameron praises her bravery, saying: 'She speaks for us all'

Woolwich attack: Woman's bravery as she confronts killers to pray for slaughtered soldier | Mail Online

Forget Paris: Stymied by Socialist Policies, the French Start to Quit France

Ernest Hemingway once described Paris in spring as a time when “there were no problems except where to be happiest.”

Clearly Hemingway did not foresee the springtime of 2013. For many of Paris’ residents right now — in fact, for many French in general — the answer to the question of where to be happiest is: pretty much anywhere but France...Hollande’s efforts to raise taxes on wealthy residents and capital-gains taxes on businesses, and to stop people from stashing their money in offshore bank accounts, have wide support among French voters, who have for years pushed to have the rich to contribute more toward the government coffers... more 》Stymied by Socialist Policies, the French Start to Quit France |

Mother talked down terrorists who told her: 'We want to start a war in London tonight'

A cub scout leader confronted terrorists just seconds after they had beheaded a soldier asking them to hand over their weapons and warning them: "It is only you versus many people, you are going to lose."Woolwich machete attack: latestWoolwich 'beheading' is straight out of al-Qaeda's terror manualMum talked down Woolwich terroristsA mother-of-two described tonight how she put her own life on the line by trying to persuade the soldier’s murderers to hand over their weapons... more》 Mum talked down Woolwich terrorists who told her: 'We want to start a war in London tonight' - Telegraph

.@AP, @AFP reporters trash #Israel in secret Facebook group

A “secret” Facebook group of foreign correspondents and human rights activists quickly devolved into an anti-Israel hate-fest on Tuesday following the release of a new Israeli government report that cleared the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of wrongdoing in the 2000 death of a Palestinian boy.The Israeli government report contests the claim that the IDF killed a Palestinian boy, Muhammad al-Durrah, in a famous 2000 incident in Gaza that helped ignite the Second Intifada.Journalists and activists mocked the report, attacked the IDF, and claimed pro-Israel lobbyists were influencing the media coverage, in a private Facebook group for foreign correspondents known as the “Vulture Club.”... more》 Human rights officials, journalists, mock Israeli report | Washington Free Beacon

‘Multiculturalism failing’: Swedish PM pleas for order as riots engulf Stockholm suburbs

Hundreds youths hurling rocks, burning cars and smashing windows for the second day in a row in Stockholm say they are protesting against police brutality and inequality. In Sweden, critics of the multiculturalism policies lash out at immigration laws.Seven policemen were injured, at least ten cars and countless containers set on fire, and dozens of windows smashed in several heavily immigrant-populated neighborhoods of the Swedish capital on Tuesday.... more》 ‘Multiculturalism failing’: Swedish PM pleas for order as riots engulf Stockholm suburbs — RT News

Journalist Riham Said gives Muslim cleric Yousuf Badri huge serve on national TV

A FAMOUS Egyptian presenter has divided Muslims after giving a notoriously hardline cleric a huge serve on national TV. 
The interview between journalist Riham Said and fundamentalist Islamic cleric Yousuf Badri on Egypt's Al-Nahar TV makes for dramatic viewing.

It culminates in the host ripping off her hijab, declaring," I'm not going to put it on. I'll wear it for God (allah) but not for you"...


["I'll wear it for God but not for you" .. you mean allah the god of the quran, he is the one you should be giving a huge serve to if he really did exsist. - Put your faith in the real and living God and that is the God of Abraham Jacob and Issac ]

Vicious Assault In Surfers Paradise caught on film in front of "Vegas In Paradise' Inersection

An onlooker from a Surfers Paradise highrise filmed the 2.40 am altercation between two men who were standing in the middle of the Beach Road, Hanlan Street and Surfers Paradise Boulevard intersection arguing.

The Youtube footage shows the man in white kicking the motionless man in black, who is laying on the road in the middle of the Surfers Paradise intersection next to Vegas In Paradise..


'We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you': What man holding bloody cleaver said after 'hacking soldier

Two suspected terrorists were shot by armed police after attacking a pedestrian, believed to be a soldier, with a machete-style knife close to military barracks in an ‘Islamist attack’. Local MP Nick Raynsford said he had been told the man attacked in the street was a soldier serving at the Royal Artillery Barracks near the attack.Mr Raynsford said the soldier had been returning to the barracks after a day out when he was attacked.London Ambulance Service said one man, believed to be the victim of the machete attack, had died in the incident and two others were injured, one seriously.


'These two guys were crazed, they were not there, they were just animals'

The dramatic video obtained by ITV News emerged after terrified eyewitnesses saw two men shot by police marksmen following a machete attack on a serving soldier in Woolwich, south-east London. The two men are thought to have waited at the scene of the attack for 20 minutes, asking people to take photographs of them, until police arrived and then tried to attack them - but were swiftly shot by armed officers, including a woman. They apparently shouted 'Allah Akbar', which means 'God is great' in Arabic, and tried to film the attack, the BBC's political editor Nick Robinson said. Theresa May tonight called a meeting of the Government's emergency Cobra committee in response and Prime Minister David Cameron has cancelled a meeting with French President Francois Hollande to return to London.

More 》 Woolwich attack: Two men 'hack soldier wearing Help for Heroes T-shirt to death with machetes in suspected terror attack' | Mail Online

“One of the Most Destructive Tornadoes in History” Hits Oklahoma City Suburbs on May 20

Emergency crews and National Guard troops in Oklahoma picked through neighborhoods without recognizable streets Tuesday in a grim, house-by-house search of the blasted-out husk of a city left behind by a ferocious tornado.

(Edit.: Let all our prayers be with them.)
— NBC News

Search and rescue winds down a day after deadly Oklahoma tornado - U.S. News

Coldest May day on record at Coolangatta, a high of just 16.5C, Brisbane coldest in 33 Years!

BRISBANE shivered through its coldest May day in 33 years yesterday.

The good news is that it will be warmer today.

Brisbane recorded a maximum of just 17.6C, the coldest May day since 1980 and almost 7C below average.

Weather Bureau forecaster Matthew Bass said it was the city's coldest day since June 27 last year.

It was the coldest May day on record at Coolangatta, which recorded a high of just 16.5C. Southeast shivers through record cold while west rejoices as rain finally falls | The Courier-Mail

Update: Riots grip Stockholm suburbs for third night after police shooting

Rioters have lit fires and stoned emergency services in the suburbs of Stockholm for the third night in a row after a man was shot dead by police.Incidents were reported in at least nine suburbs of the Swedish capital and police made eight arrests.On Sunday night, more than 100 cars were set alight, Swedish media report.Police in the deprived, largely immigrant suburb of Husby shot a man dead last week after he reportedly threatened to kill them with a machete. BBC News - Riots grip Stockholm suburbs after police shooting

May 22, 2013

Texas woman gets 50 years for attack on ex-spouse..

AUSTIN, TX -- A Central Texas woman has been sentenced to 50 years in prison for beating and shooting her ex-husband amid a child custody dispute.... more》 Austin woman gets 50 years for attack on ex-spouse amid a child custody dispute |

Mysterious respiratory illness strikes 7 in Alabama; 2 dead

The victims, all adults, had symptoms including fever, cough and shortness of breath, but the cause of the illnesses is unknown, said Dr. Mary McIntyre, the acting state epidemiologist for the Alabama Department of Public Health.

The hospital is using respiratory precautions, which include requiring staff to wear special N95 masks that reduce the chance of infection.

Mysterious respiratory illness strikes 7 in Alabama; 2 dead - Vitals

U.S. Military suffers wave of 'gay' sex assaults..

A recent military report on sexual assault in the military shocked many in Washington and around the nation, but a leading expert on military personnel revealed the prevalence of men assaulting other men is one of the major headlines in this study.

The extended analysis of the report first appeared in Monday’s edition of the the Washington Times... more 》Military suffers wave of ‘gay’ sex assaults

Do You Really Need Protein Supplements? Protein Supplements Debate

Before you go out buying that five-kilo tub of protein powder, Did you know the body can only use 50g of protein at once, and it will store the other grams of protein as fat.. Making you think twice now isnt ?

From the chunky to the chiselled, we're conditioned to believe protein supplements are a requirement. If you want to get huge, it's a badge of honour to be seen banging down protein shakes and bars, sprinkled with a little bit of creatine.

But before you go out buying that five-kilo tub of protein powder, there are four important questions you should consider.. more The Protein Supplements Debate

This Teen Just Created A Device To Charge Your Cell Phone In Under 30 Seconds

Now here’s the invention that we’ve all been waiting for: A device that instantly charges our cell phones.A gadget like this might soon be on its way thanks to a bright 18-year-old from Saratoga, Calif., who was recently honored at an international science fair. California teen invents device that could charge a cell phone in 20 seconds | The Mommy Files | an blog

Okla. Tornado Survivor Held Daughter By Hair To Save Her Life

A survivor of the Oklahoma tornado that killed at least 24 people, including nine children, said she held on to her daughter’s hair to prevent her from flying away into the tornado.CBS News reports that a resident of Moore, Okla., the site of the deadly tornado that killed dozens and left the area depleted and devastated, would have lost her daughter to the tornado if not for the mother’s grip on her daughter’s hair. Okla. Tornado Survivor Held Daughter By Hair To Save Her Life « CBS Houston

May 21, 2013

Muslims riot, battle police in Sweden, protest police shooting of machete-wielding man 

"Riots" and "Stockholm" are two concepts that rarely pair up.But on Monday, angry masked youths in a suburb of the Swedish capital took to the streets to set fire to cars, toss rocks at police and ignite a parking garage. The disturbance was believed to be set off by the fatal shooting by police earlier this month of a 69-year-old man who allegedly attacked them with a machete. Rioters in Sweden protest police shooting of machete-wielding man  - Daily News

Israel fires back at #Syria after gunshots at its troops..

Israeli troops shot at a target across the Syrian frontier on Tuesday in response to gunfire that struck its forces in the Golan Heights, the Israeli military said.A statement said a military vehicle was damaged by shots fired from Syria but that there were no injuries... Israel fires back at Syria after gunshots at its troops | Article | Top News |

Is Pope Francis an exorcist... Man slain in the spirit?

Image of Pope Francis with faithful leads to suspicion he performed exorcism

The question has been swirling ever since Francis laid his hands Sunday on the head of a young man after celebrating Mass in St. Peter's Square.

The young man heaved deeply a half-dozen times, convulsed and shook, and then slumped in his wheelchair as Francis prayed over him...

Image of Pope Francis with faithful leads to suspicion he performed exorcism | Fox News

Russia Developing Killer Robots

It’s the wave of the future, at least here in The Motherland. Russia says it’s developing special robots that will neutralize terrorists and help minimalize the causalities of a terrorist attack. The head of Russia’s Defense Industry says that the killer robots will also be able to evacuate injured civilians and servicemen from the scene... more 》 FOX on Tech: Russia Developing Killer Robots - FOX News Radio

UPDATE: At least 91 killed in Moore tornado, hundreds injured

MOORE, Okla. – Officials have confirmed at least 91 people have been killed in the Moore tornado Monday.The medical examiner’s office confirmed at least 233 people have been injured.That number is expected to rise as recovery efforts continue Tuesday morning and daylight arrives.The tornado claimed an unconfirmed number of children at Moore’s Plaza Towers Elementary... more》 UPDATE: At least 91 killed in Moore tornado, hundreds injured |

Listed at $190 million, Greenwich estate is priciest home in the US

Single-family home is rather a misnomer for this estate, as it consists of so much more than just the home itself- a 13,519 square foot French-renaissance mansion with 12 bedrooms, seven full baths, two half baths, library, solarium, wine cellar and entire floor for staff.  Special features include 12-foot ceilings, multiple carved fireplaces and balconies, plus huge windows and glassed-in porches for taking in the panoramic Long Island Sound view... Listed at $190 million, Greenwich estate is priciest home in the US | On The Block | an blog

MORE tornadoes are forecasted .. #prayforoklahoma

The greatest tornado threat will exist in northeast Texas, far southeast Oklahoma, southwest Arkansas and northwest Louisiana. A few strong tornadoes are possible.

A severe weather outbreak that started over the weekend will continue for a fourth day in a row on Tuesday.(OUTBREAK RECAP: Moore, Okla. Devastated | Sunday | Saturday)

Tuesday's Outlook

Wednesday's Outlook

Severe thunderstorms containing hail, damaging wind gusts, and tornadoes are forecast to roll from Texas to the Mississippi Valley, Ohio Valley and into the Great Lakes. Areas that should prepare for the severe weather include Dallas-Fort Worth, Shreveport, La., St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, Ill. and Columbus, Ohio.

Severe Weather Outbreak Continues Tuesday - WATCH LIVE: Tornado Coverage

Mosque In Palestine Raises The Nazi Flag

Israeli settlers saw a swastika-emblazoned red flag flying near a mosque in Beit Omar, a Palestinian village outside of Hebron. The post Mosque In Palestine Raises The Nazi Flag appear... Israeli Motorists Shocked When Nazi Flag Seen Flying Near Palestinian Mosque |

NOAA: 'Worst fears being realized' 'There were horses and stuff flying around everywhere'

Rescue workers raced against time and the oncoming night Monday looking for survivors after a powerful tornado blasted an area outside of Oklahoma City, leveling homes and killing at least 37 people.Seven of the dead were children from Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore, which lay directly in the path of the monster storm’s wall of wind.Seventy-five students and staff members had been huddled the school when the storm hit, CNN affiliate KFOR reported.

As nightfall approached, determined searchers in hard hats dug in the debris for students possibly trapped, but authorities described the work as a recovery, not rescue, effort.

Read more... At least 51 dead after tornado hits Oklahoma

Michelle Obama Tells Grads: ‘I Could Take Up a Whole Afternoon Talking About’ Barack Obama’s Failures... yea I bet she could!

First lady Michelle Obama in her commencement speech at a high school in Nashville, Tenn., on Saturday said she could “take up a whole afternoon talking about” President Barack Obama's failures.

Michelle Obama Tells Grads: ‘I Could Take Up a Whole Afternoon Talking About’ Barack Obama’s Failures | CNS News Mobile

6,000 ducks die of #plague in Thrissur

The ducks belong to Tony Eluvathinkal of Ammadam, a farmer. “I had no idea as to what was killing hundreds of ducks wading through the kole fields on Friday. But, the death toll dramatically mounted to around 6,000 on Saturday,” Tony said. Mamman Abraham, assistant professor at the Pathology Department of Veterinary University College, who conducted the post-mortem examination on the carcass of the ducks, said that duck plague has been confirmed in poultry samples collected from the kole fields.... more 》6,000 ducks die of plague in Thrissur - The New Indian Express

H7N9 case has drug- and non-resistant strains

The only H7N9 patient so far in Taiwan was carrying two strains of the same virus, with one being drug resistant and the other not, making it tricky to treat to him, doctors said. Huang Li-min, a doctor from National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), explained that it was possible the avian flu virus was not drug resistant when the patient was first infected, but mutated later to become resistant to Tamiflu.  ....YourHealth | H7N9 case has drug- and non-resistant strains