February 8, 2014

Something Jehovah Witness's Will Not Tell You About The Bible They Use...

Jehovah Witness's Bible Is The New World Translation 

The watch tower bible and track society's bible - A Completely Fraudulent Translation

Believe it or not, Jehovah Witnesses where brought into a  public hearing and had to confess they did know Greek or Hebrew and just made it up as they went along.. Seriously?

The watch tower bible and track society had a couple of things that hold their doctrine together

Jesus is not the God the son or the second person of the Trinity

There is no such thing as eternal punishment for the wicked (Hell)

So they translated the parts in the bible referring to this dictating what they wanted you to believe

Even Secular scholars put the New World Translation at the bottom of the barrel. 

Jehovah Witnesses The watch tower bible and track society is a clearly a CULT

How Can I Witness To A Cult Member?

When talking to a cult member you keep them on one subject, and ask them ONE question. 

WHO IS JESUS? great to ask this with Jehovah witnesses and Mormons.

*Note: once said by a Jehovah Witness "If you can prove to me Jesus is God i still will not worship him" sometimes you just cant get anywhere with a cult member

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