January 24, 2014

Health Experts: Workout horror stories prompt regulation calls.. Push Push Push!

"The industry should absolutely be regulated more," Mr Hunt said.".. I can't imagine any other industry allowing this ...''

SHOCKING exercise injury cases have sparked calls to regulate the fitness industry across Australia.

Health experts yesterday called for regulations for the types of ­people who are able to prescribe exercise and programs for clients.

They say personal trainers who do short courses or online study do not have the qualifications to screen people for intense exercise.

Fitness Enhancement chief executive Scott Hunt estimated about 50 per cent of Gold Coast trainers were either unregistered, unqualified or uninsured.

http://tinyurl.com/lrx34rq http://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/lifestyle/war-veteran-shawn-jenkins-nearly-died-after-pushing-himself-too-hard-in-a-workout/story-fnj94iqm-1226809276584

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