July 8, 2013

Thief: '$50, no cops or the barbecue gets it' #Australia

Small time thief Steven Fawal, who stole an airconditioner, water tank and barbecue, found with ransom note seeking $50 for return of barbie

After he had taken a barbecue from outside Finnegan's Chin tavern at Keperra police found him in possession of a handwritten note, police prosecutor Sergeant Peter Treloar said."Finnegans, if you want your barbecue back safe and ready for cooking sausages again put $50 in reject slot of phone box across road from you tonight, 2am. Your barbecue will be safe," the note said."No 000 or barbecue gets it." http://m.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/small-time-thief-steven-fawal-who-stole-an-airconditioner-water-tank-and-barbecue-found-with-ransom-note-seeking-50-for-return-of-barbie/story-fnihsrf2-1226676016341

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