July 11, 2013

North Queensland rainforest fruit may hold miracle cure for cancer sufferers and chronic wounds

Queensland life science company QBiotics is honing a possible miracle cure for cancer out of the north Queensland rainforest and expect to go to human trials within six months.They believe they have also uncovered a breakthrough new chronic wound healing remedy in a compound extracted from the same fruit of the native blushwood.QBiotics chief executive Dr Victoria Gordon said the anti-cancer drug found in the 130 million year old rainforest was unique.She said it had successfully treated solid cancer tumours in more than 300 dogs, cats and horses. http://m.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/north-queensland-rainforest-fruit-may-hold-miracle-cure-for-cancer-sufferers-and-chronic-wounds/story-fnii5v70-1226661417502

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