July 20, 2013

'Gay' laws set stage for pedophilia 'rights'

Psychologist claims 'minor-attracted persons' normal as heterosexuals

As legislators and other government officials promote “gay” friendly laws, they are unwittingly laying the foundation for special protections for pedophiles, including the right to work with children, family advocates warn.

Linda Harvey of Mission America said the push for equal rights for pedophiles will become more common as LGBT groups continue to assert themselves. “It’s all part of a plan to introduce sex to children at younger and younger ages to convince them that normal friendship is actually a sexual attraction,” she said.

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders after intense lobbying by homosexual-rights groups.At the time of the delisting, critics warned that it would eventually lead to acceptance of other types of sexual deviancy, including pedophilia. Supporters of the “gay” lifestyle decried the comparison, insisting that no such thing would ever occur.

However, it appears the critics were right on the mark.

In 2003, a group of mental health professionals formed B4U-Act to begin a slow but inexorable push to redefine pedophilia as a sexual orientation in the same way homosexuality was in the 1970s.

The organization calls pedophiles “minor attracted people,” and the website states its purpose is to “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma, and fear.

Read Full Story At WND

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