July 12, 2013

Black mobs go 'bang' on July 4th in US

Excerpt - Let’s start with Tulsa. It took a year for the local media to report it, but last Fourth of July, a black mob set a fire at a local recreation center, then hurled fireworks at the first responders.This year “the kids” did it again. Then once more on July 5. According to News On 6:

“We’ve seen worse Fourth of Julys and we’ve seen better, and this one will rank up as one of the worst,” neighbor Jason Trent said.

Trent has had a front-row seat for the illegal fireworks show that more than 60 kids have been putting on since Monday.”Despite the grainy video of several black people fleeing, no one was arrested.Several years ago, city officials discussed closing this recreation center. But because it was in a black part of Tulsa, members of ACORN convinced the city council to keep it open after claiming it would be racist to close it.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/black-gangs-go-bang-on-july-4th/#YMywEhR7wRmwyODZ.99 http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/07/black-gangs-go-bang-on-july-4th/?cat_orig=us

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