May 20, 2013

Islamic Egypt jails Christian for teaching 'blasphemy' of history..

CAIRO (AP) - The pale, young Christian woman sat handcuffed in the courtroom, accused of insulting Islam while teaching history of religions to fourth-graders.

A team of Islamist lawyers with long beards sang in unison, "All except the Prophet Muhammad."The case against Dimyana Abdel-Nour in southern Egypt's ancient city of Luxor began when parents of three of her pupils claimed that their children, aged 10, complained their teacher showed disgust when she spoke of Islam in class. According to the parents, Abdel-Nour, 24, told the children that Pope Shenouda, who led the Egyptian Coptic Church until his death last year, was better than the Prophet Muhammad...

My Way News - Egyptians targeted with blasphemy charges

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