January 25, 2014

Is this proof near-death experiences ARE real? Extraordinary new book by intensive care nurse reveals dramatic evidence she says should banish our fear of dying...

....But, in the end, I decided to embark on a PhD on near-death experiences, while continuing to work in intensive care.

 I began my eight-year study as a cynic. But by the time it ended, I was convinced that near-death experiences are a genuine phenomenon. So what exactly is a near-death experience? At its simplest, it’s a clear and memorable vision that occurs when people are close to death — though only a small percentage of us will have one.

 Researchers now agree that each vision will contain at least one of several recognised components, such as travelling down a tunnel towards a bright light, meeting dead relatives, or having an out-of-body experience. As the person ‘leaves’ his body, he may hear a buzzing, whistling, whirring or humming sound, or a click. Another common component of NDEs is a beautiful garden with lush green grass and vividly coloured flowers.

There may be a stream or river in the background. Some people enter the garden, while others reach a gate or barrier — and know that they’ll die if they go through it. Throughout an NDE, hearing and sight become more acute, and awareness is heightened. Often, the experience has been described to me as ‘realer than real’...

Or could there be far more to approaching death than scientists have ever acknowledged?

More of this fascinating story..

› Gold Coast Blog — Queensland Australia

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